CIFF Donor Visit To Kilifi County

The PS Kenya Binti Shupavu project team supported a donor visit to Magharini sub-county and Kilifi County, Coast Region. The CIFF team participated in a PS Kenya’s youth innovation champion session on goal setting. Goal setting is one of the seven topics the girls go through before completing the Binti Shupavu component. Other topics included group introduction, budgeting and saving, personal health and hygiene, SRHR, decision-making, and the importance of going to school. The project had mobilized over 30 vulnerable girls to attend the session.

The team also visited Binti Biashara beneficiaries who were part of the Maverick next project in Kanagoni in Magharini sub county. Binti Biashara sought to strengthen the vocational skills component and leverage partnerships to expand economic empowerment opportunities for young mothers through two models. Young mothers aged 15–24 were enrolled in either a vocational training center (TVET) or linked to a community business entrepreneur (CBM) for upskilling.

The adolescent girls shared their success stories on how they are using their newly acquired skills to generate income. They also described how supportive the mentors, mobilizers, and providers were in gaining skills and access to information on sexual and reproductive health services.

Funded by Children Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), Binti Shupavu A360’s flagship ASRHR project in Kenya works alongside girls, their communities, and governments to support girls to access SRH services they want and need. Led by PSI and implemented by PS Kenya, Binti Shupavu places her story and needs first, engaging influencers in her community to create an enabling environment for her to use her voice to choose the life, and family, that she wants. Population Services Kenya is empowering young mothers in five counties in Kenya (Kilifi, Narok, Homa Bay, Migori and Kajiado).

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