Restoring a Child’s Smile Through Active TB Case Finding, Case of Kiarie Care Clinic Thika

The provider of Kiarie Medical clinic in Kiganjo, Thika town, Kiambu County is a proud to have restored a smile of his client, Tina. After treating a young child ‘Tina’ (six-year-old) on several occasions for different diagnosis like Pneumonia and URTI with no improvement, he was able to diagnose TB in the 6year old girl. The mother of the child had identified drugs that were soothing the cough and she was buying them over the counter in chemists around Kiganjo. The mother gave history that the father of the girl was coughing a lot when they were staying together but now they were separated.

The diagnosis came after virtual TB active case finding sensitization for private health providers implementing public private mix project supported by PS Kenya in Thika town facilitated by Mr. Mwangi (SCTLC Thika Subcounty) were Mr. Kiarie the owner and clinician in the facility was part of the participants. The girl presented with history of Cough, breathlessness, reduced playfulness, stunted growth and generally looking weak. The cough was productive. Thick greenish brown sputum which was collected and taken for gene expert examination and the results TB positive. The girl was started on Treatment at Tumaini Clinic in Kiganjo. After initiation of TB treatment there has been marked improvement; weight gain of 2kgs in less than a month. The girl looks brighter and able to play with other children. The mother has been screened and advised to give sputum specimen for testing.
Kiarie Medical Clinic has yielded out 3 TB cases after been enrolled to the public private mix (PPM) program just 3 months.

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