Family planning, or child spacing,” as it is referred to in Islam, is the practice of using contraception to control the number of children one has and how much space there is between them. The practice itself is riddled with a lot of myths and misconceptions, from its supposed side effects to its role as...Read More
Sexual and reproductive health (including Family Planning) services are often inaccessible to persons with disabilities due to many reasons, that include: physical and communication barriers, lack of disability-friendly-related clinical services, stigma and discrimination, and negative attitudes and biases by health care providers. Due to this, most of them usually end up making uninformed sexual and...Read More
Ending gender-based violence will involve action at all levels: challenging social norms that condone violence or impose gender roles; strengthening legislation to criminalize violence and prosecuting the perpetrators. Through the Accelerate project, PS Kenya is engaging the boda boda (motorcycle) sector with an intention of shaping their attitudes toward gender equality and fostering greater respect...Read More
To improve the uptake and utilization of family planning (FP) methods in Kenya, the Ministry of Health (MoH) through the Reproductive and Maternal Health Services Unit in collaboration with partners, lay emphasis on capacity building as an approach to improve the quality of FP services by equipping a critical mass of service providers with knowledge...Read More
20th July 2022 in Nairobi. The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) in collaboration with the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) and Triggerise disseminate findings from the world’s first Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Development Impact Bond (DIB) pilot study. This DIB aimed to reduce teen pregnancies and increase contraceptive prevalence in Kenya, as well...Read More
On 15th June 2022, PS Kenya’s SHIPs (Strengthening HIV Self-testing in the Private Sector) team facilitated a knowledge sharing session organized by the National AIDS Control Council (NACC). The session aimed to showcase the organizations work with HIVST kits in the private sector with public health impact. The HIVST Project intends to: Resolve key...Read More
On the 13th of July 2022, PS Kenya took their bid to serve Sara a notch higher by bringing together 32 community-based organizations (CBOs) from 18 counties in Kenya under an umbrella body known as the “INUA GRASSROOT NETWORK”. This initiative is in response to one of PS Kenya’s strategic pillars, that is, to work...Read More
Population Services Kenya joined the national government and other civil society organizations to mark World Population Day. World Population Day is a global event marked annually on July 11th and seeks to raise awareness of global population issues. The event was celebrated at Majengo Dispensary grounds in Kajiado County. The theme for this year was...Read More