Mother’s Day is celebrated around the world to express, react, honour, and love mothers. The day is meant to acknowledge and appreciate a mother’s contribution both at family and community level. It is a day that makes people remember the importance and significance of mothers in their lives and is observed as a day to...Read More
Population Services Kenya attended the official launch of the ‘Women News Review’ at the New Era Women’s Convention held on May 3, 2023. The Convention whose theme was Women Empowerment in Advancing Governance & Achieving Economic & Social Justice leveraged on different strengths of Women to achieve their vision in the different sectors they present....Read More
Population Services Kenya (PS Kenya) was present in Nakuru County during this year’s immunization week, which was held between the 24th and 30th of April 2023 in Njoro sub-county after we were invited by the area Member of Parliament. Immunization Week is an annual global public health campaign aimed at promoting the use of vaccines...Read More
The 10th anniversary of the Preventing Maternal and Child Deaths (PMCD) initiative took place on the 5th of April 2023 and was hosted by UKAID and USAID. The main objective of the event was to showcase Kenya’s investments in maternal and child health in the country. This is in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)...Read More
PS Kenya’s DESIP Program, funded by UKAID aims to increase family planning uptake among poor rural women, adolescents, youth and people with disabilities in Kenya. DESIP is the largest family planning program in Kenya which is implemented in 12 counties. The program has reviews which happen every year and this year they were in Narok...Read More
‘Kuvunjika kwa mwiko sio mwisho wa kusonga ugali’ The Swahili saying above completely encompasses the beauty that is PS Kenya’s Binti Shupavu project. Like a phoenix rising from its ashes, the project gives young adolescent girls/mothers a second chance at life, by educating them on their different contraceptive choices as well as empowering them with...Read More
Family planning, or child spacing,” as it is referred to in Islam, is the practice of using contraception to control the number of children one has and how much space there is between them. The practice itself is riddled with a lot of myths and misconceptions, from its supposed side effects to its role as...Read More
Community case management of malaria (CCMm) forms a key pillar in malaria management in endemic counties as per the Kenya malaria strategy 2019-2023. According to the Kenya Malaria Indicator Survey 2020 (KMIS), Busia county leads in malaria prevalence at 39%. With this high prevalence, malaria is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Busia...Read More
Bold. Fierce. Phenomenal. These are some of the words you can use to describe women all over the world as they wake up on a daily basis to break boundaries and change narratives as old as time. Women have proven time and time again that they too have a voice that matters, but we still...Read More