PS Kenya partnered with the Kenya Healthcare Federation to bring various stakeholders together at the end of the year to reflect on the successes witnessed in the health sector in 2022. The event celebrated the achievements, reflected on the wins, and set priorities for 2023 through a fun, interactive themed dinner and dance event graced by H.E. Sakaja Arthur Johnson, CBS, Governor, Nairobi County.
The health sector round up featured sponsored sessions where PS Kenya highlighted successes in 2022 that included the launch of Inua Grassroot Network that aims at uniting all voices and stakeholders with a special focus on improving the lives of the vulnerable, including women, children, and people with disabilities. Behavior change interventions, such as collaborating with the boda boda sector, have the intention of shaping their attitudes toward gender equality and fostering greater respect for girls and women’s rights. Increasing access to and use of family planning services, with a special emphasis on people with disabilities
PS Kenya has also increased service delivery through quality improvement and assurance in public, private, and faith-based facilities on reproductive health, HIV self-testing kits, gender-based violence, maternal health, TB, and malaria, as well as capacity building of health care workers.
“Moving into 2023, PS Kenya will align its health interventions with the Ministry of Health to ensure quality care as we continue to raise awareness on various health initiatives with the support of the private sector and various partners,” says PS Kenya COO Dr. Margaret Njenga.

The Kenya Healthcare Federation (KHF) is a private sector membership-based organization, constituting the health sector board of the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA). Founded in 2004, the Federation has a membership of 170+ organizations, consisting of corporate members and professional and institutional associations in the Kenyan health sector