Community Case management of Malaria

Project Background:

PS Kenya is a sub-recipient (SR) of AMREF Health Africa, a Principal Recipient (PR) in implementing Malaria activities under the new funding model of Global Fund for TB HIV/AIDS and Malaria (GFTAM) support in the Malaria epidemic-prone highland County of Busia. The Kenya Malaria Indicator Survey (KMIS) 2015[1] reports a Malaria prevalence of 27% in the County with endemic transmission trends. Implementation of the activities is ongoing in all seven sub-counties within Busia, and seeks to accelerate contribution to achieving the national goal set in 2019 of reducing the Malaria incidence and deaths by at least 75% of the 2016 levels by 2023 through the following interventions:

  1. Case management of Malaria at the community level through capacity building, equipping, and supporting of Community Health Volunteers (CHVs).
  2. A Health Management Information System (HMIS) supporting the timely generation and reporting of community level Malaria data into the national reporting platforms.
  3. Improving service delivery infrastructure at the community and facility level by supporting oversight and support supervision functions for CHVs, as well as health care workers on their roles in improving Malaria-related health outcomes in their communities.
  4. Improved project and data quality by enhancing systems and processes of health facility Malaria data capture for use to improve service delivery.

Overall, the project objectives are to:

  • By 2023, protect 100% of people living in Malaria risk areas through access to appropriate Malaria preventive interventions.
  • By 2023, manage 100% of suspected Malaria cases according to the Kenya Malaria treatment guidelines.
  • By 2023, establish systems for Malaria elimination in targeted Counties.
  • By 2023, increase utilization of appropriate Malaria interventions in Kenya to at least 80%.
  • By 2023, strengthen Malaria surveillance and use of information to improve decision making for program performance.
  • By 2023, provide leadership and management for optimal implementation of Malaria interventions at all levels for the achievement of all objectives.

Community Case Management of Malaria

PS Kenya supports strengthening of community case management by use of CHVs  through Global fund funding and partnership with Ministry of Health , the interventions in case management include; Training of CHVs in targeted sub-counties, Supportive supervision conducted in all the 105 Community Health Units (CHUs) by the Sub-County Health Management Team  (SCHMT) using a standard checklist on quarterly basis, these strategies   aim  at  ensuring timely and effective Malaria case management  through use of Rapid diagnostic tests(RDTs), to test all suspected cases and treatment of all cases that turn positive by artemether Lumefantrine. This is done by a well-trained and supported community health worker at the community level.


PS Kenya also;

Supported strengthening of the health system by Training of 210 Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWs). The team ensures capacity of CHVs on Monthly basis and also commodity management.

The project through partnership with County Government conducted 1,050 community action and dialogue as well as supporting community functionality assessments for all 105 community units.


Key Achievements

  1. In Busia County the project through CHVs Tested 77,225 cases and treated 68,662 Malaria cases for the period January 2021 to December 2021.


  1. Strengthened community health system of 1050 CHVs through mentorship and support supervision of community units in Busia County.


  1. The project has immensely contributed to 98% DHIS2 reporting rate through facilitation of HRIOs and CHEWs for follow-ups and uploading of all community units reports.


  1. Training of 210 CHEWs on 3- day community case management of Malaria ‘s new curriculum.




  1. PS Kenya has supported   9 Counties in conducting Data quality Audits and sub-county health facility support supervision (HFSS) for a period of three consecutive years.
  2. Through County health management teams, we have supported CHFSS to 9 Counties successfully for a consecutive three years (2018-2020).
  3. In coastal region we managed to support 6 Counties (Lamu, Kilifi, Tana river, Kwale, Mombasa and Taita-Taveta) on Malaria school health programme activities, These entailed capacity building of teachers and students on Malaria advocacy preventive interventions.
  4. On community case management, PS Kenya has operated in Busia County for three years, it has trained and sensitized 1050 CHVs who have to date tested 90,462 suspected cases and treated 70,536 Malaria confirmed cases as from2018 to 2020.



Reporting performance in Global fund Malaria implementation 2018-2022









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