
Advancing Family Planning Gains at the Community Level

Evidence on Community-based distributors (CBDs) show that trained Community Health Volunteers can safely, acceptably and effectively provide injectable contraceptive services within their community (New recommendations WHO for task sharing 2017). In Kenya, a demonstration project to assess the effectiveness of using Community Health Volunteers to provide injectable contraceptives was successfully carried out by the Ministry […]

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The Plumber from Marafa

In Kenya, plumbing and masonry have for a long time been associated with the male gender. Many believe that such jobs are usually tedious and require someone with muscles to undertake them, but with more exposure, this notion is gradually being reversed, and we are now seeing women getting trained and taking such jobs. An […]

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Giving Persons with Disabilities Control over their Reproductive Health

Sexual and reproductive health (including Family Planning) services are often inaccessible to persons with disabilities due to many reasons, that include: physical and communication barriers, lack of disability-friendly-related clinical services, stigma and discrimination, and negative attitudes and biases by health care providers. Due to this, most of them usually end up making uninformed sexual and […]

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Narok County Boda Boda Association Joins the Fight Against Gender-Based Violence.

Ending gender-based violence will involve action at all levels: challenging social norms that condone violence or impose gender roles; strengthening legislation to criminalize violence and prosecuting the perpetrators. Through the Accelerate project, PS Kenya is engaging the boda boda (motorcycle) sector with an intention of shaping their attitudes toward gender equality and fostering greater respect […]

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